Tokyo Weekend

So I just returned to Shimane-ken from a four day weekend in Tokyo.  As always, I drank some, ate a lot, and crammed into the smallest slivers of space on the trains and subways.  I decided it was time to share some of my thoughts on Tokyo and why it means so much to me.  It is not just that there are over 30million people living in the metropolitan area.  It is special to me because it was my home.  A place where my family and friends grew in a unique way.  I’ve been coming to grips with the fact that maybe it is not Tokyo or Shibuya that I am obsessed with, but the special time in my family history that I long for so.  Next, I will share a bit about my trips home, to Shoto, and what they mean to me.

So until I figure out how to categorize these posts, refers to the Pages on your right.

About TCK Hacker

Born in the USA, I lived in Tokyo, Japan and Singapore growing up. Since then it's been back and forth kind of lifestyle.. PA --> MA --> JP --> MA --> JP --> PA --> GA --> PA --> NC --> GA (currently in Atlanta, GA, USA) I want to reach out to fellow TCKs. I hope to be a resource in the Expat and TCK communities. Holla.
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