Broken Bells

Haven’t posted anything on here since April!?!  I suck at blogging.  Here are some thoughts on a group I just really started listening to.  It’s nothing earth shattering, and was written in about 10min, but here goes.

It’s been a really long time since I have heard any lyrics with real meaning.  Music groups use inside jokes, and clever lingo that only the crowds of Williamsburg pretend to understand (and then pretend it’s no big deal).  But I’m not here to bash music, never will.  It means something to someone, somewhere, and that’s what is important.  It inspires us to go running, to get over a breakup, to relive a distant memory.  Music can bring you to tears and make you laugh in the same minute.  It’s undoubtedly what I should be doing, but enough about that…for now.

So this band sort of came outta nowhere. They’re called Broken Bells and if you haven’t heard of them, youtube ’em.  They’re a collaboration.  They sound unique, they sound real.

“The High Road” is the opening track, and it really is just tops.  It might be the saddest song I’ve ever heard.  It’s masked in seamless melodies and exchanges, but let’s take a look.  And by now, you should be listening to it.  If not, scroll down and hit it.

It’s the chorus that’s got me.

“Cause they know, and so do I

The high road is hard to find

A detour in your new life

Tell all of your friends goodbye

It’s too late to change your mind

You let loss be your guide”

Well who the hell wants to hear that?  Damn it.  How many times does anyone actually say this?  It’s too late.  You made up your mind and live with it.

For the closet Emo guys like me, this triggers an automatic analysis of what is driving us.  Are my decisions based on what is best for me? For you?  For the world?  Well now I’m not sure.  We all make our own choices, and each and every decision we’ve ever made brought us right here.  It brought us to today, and if you’re not happy, you can’t really blame someone else, can you?  I want to punch this writer and hug him at the same time.  How many bands inspire that?

Enough doom and gloom, ey?  There are certain things I think about everyday.  I think I’ll add that chorus to the list.  The high road is hard to find, and it may mean leaving certain people behind.  I’ve always said you should strive to be the best version of yourself, and if those around you don’t vibe, it might be time to move on.  I just hope and pray that I’m not leaving anyone/thing/place, because of loss.  You should be comfortable leaving for growth, or for opportunity, or service, but for loss?  What an empty feeling that would be.

About TCK Hacker

Born in the USA, I lived in Tokyo, Japan and Singapore growing up. Since then it's been back and forth kind of lifestyle.. PA --> MA --> JP --> MA --> JP --> PA --> GA --> PA --> NC --> GA (currently in Atlanta, GA, USA) I want to reach out to fellow TCKs. I hope to be a resource in the Expat and TCK communities. Holla.
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