If you haven’t heard of them by now, you will. Welcome to Saint Motel.

I’ve been a devoted fan for two years now, but with their newest single, Puzzle Pieces, I can see the time has come for others to step aside, and make room on the main stage for AJ, Aaron, Dak and Greg, the men of Saint Motel.  Their sound is familiar, something you know and instantly bond with.  Their songs, not easily forgotten.  Saint Motel is completely unique.  It’s the sound that fills the gap, that will make you whole, after years of searching.  For me, Puzzle Pieces’ bridge offers something reminiscent of Tears for Fears, conjuring up memories of the 1980’s,  the movie Real Genius and it’s popcorn scene.  Yet, at the same time, it’s progressive, pushing through the fray of today’s generic rock into a world of it’s own.  They’ve been described as “garage-glam” but why bother with titles.  Real music is still out there, gang, look no further.

Accompanied by sound is a highlight of the bands creativity and utility.  Not only do they write and perform, they create their own music videos. (and do a damn good job of this)  Download ForPlay from iTunes and check out the full gambit.  What you have here is the package deal.  And from what Manager Russell Rubin tells me, that’s what you’ve gotta bring if you wanna make it today.

I had the fortunate chance to catch up with the guys in Washington D.C., and let me tell you, never have I met a group more excited, yet humble, about what they are doing.  Through my travels and work, I’ve met plenty of musicians, movie stars and people of the entertaining nature, but never–never–have I met anyone with more genuine good spirit and hope than Saint Motel.  Bassist Dak, I’m told, was running around Thailand at the time, so don’t hold it agains me if he turns out to be the shifty one of the bunch.  But if you’re like me, and believe that “who you are” has a direct relation to the people around you, then Dak must be a swell guy too, gosh darn it.

And so, their appeal travels from the stage and into your heart.  Through your earphones and into your soul.  You’ll feel like the only one in the room.  The prettiest girl at the dance.  So a listen is due, if you haven’t had the chance.  www.saintmotel.com gets you in the door.  A free download is nearly here!  Get it now, and live your life a little better than before.  Apologies for the rhyme.

About TCK Hacker

Born in the USA, I lived in Tokyo, Japan and Singapore growing up. Since then it's been back and forth kind of lifestyle.. PA --> MA --> JP --> MA --> JP --> PA --> GA --> PA --> NC --> GA (currently in Atlanta, GA, USA) I want to reach out to fellow TCKs. I hope to be a resource in the Expat and TCK communities. Holla.
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