Where are you from?

Most people won’t consider such a succinct question as one that is difficult to answer.  You were born in one place, maybe raised in another.  But it’s certainly not a lengthly answer for most.  We all have certain perceptions when we hear “I’m from LA” or “I’m from the city” (New York City, of course…yeah?)  So not only are we representing our community, but we are being judged based on any common views of that place.

For me, the answer usually depends on who I am talking to.  For instance, someone in the US:

“Well, I was born in Harrisburg, PA, but I grew up living in Tokyo and Singapore.  I came back to the US for high school and college, but I’ve gone back and forth to Japan for work.  I spend summers on Martha’s Vineyard and a variable second city during winters.”

Not what most people are expecting.. I can tell when some people have bitten off more than they can chew, but other times I see genuine interest in their faces.  Those are the times that leave me smiling.

I know it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but it can be emotionally difficult not to have that one place to identify with.  Because, you see, I am always torn.  Torn between places, continents, cultures and communities.  Those of you who know me will attest to the fact that I can get on in most situations.  I think this is an attribute that many TCKs have, that we can sort of blend in like a chameleon, because we are so used to living between more than one culture, one place, one community.

I have nothing against Harrisburg, PA.  It’s a great capital city and it’s where I spent many years of my life. But I don’t feel as though I am “from” Harrisburg.  I know I am American.  That shines through in many aspects of my life, but I also associate with many other cultures.

I’m sure if you grew up moving around ONE country, you might have the same difficulty. But this seems to be a hot point for most TCKs.  Just wanted to share with you all, in case you’ve been a victim of my little speech on where I’m from.

So….where are you from? :p


About TCK Hacker

Born in the USA, I lived in Tokyo, Japan and Singapore growing up. Since then it's been back and forth kind of lifestyle.. PA --> MA --> JP --> MA --> JP --> PA --> GA --> PA --> NC --> GA (currently in Atlanta, GA, USA) I want to reach out to fellow TCKs. I hope to be a resource in the Expat and TCK communities. Holla.
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